took me a while and a couple of do-overs but I think I've finally come up with how I want the final version of my up-coming comic (whose name I'm still working on) to be like.
Basic story:
Amber Verra is a soldier of the Southern California militia who was sent to the Red Rock Canyon for recon because of recent information of terrorist activities there. Having found nothing, she prepares to head home when she is encountered by Rico Tyrone. Rico was sent with a group of soldiers to strike at a supposed terrorist cell; however, Rico fell out of the drop plane and managed to land on Amber's recon truck and effectively causes its destruction. Now Amber must attempt to survive the desert while at the same time try to find a way home.
Characters: Amber is 18 and short-tempered. She also wishes only to go home because she was forced to do recon for the canyon.
Rico is 19 and was recently inducted into the militia. Rico comes from a mountain farm and has little knowledge of surviving in the desert, but he has a helpful and friendly attitude towards Amber, while she continues to hold a grudge against him for stranding her in the middle of a 500 mile wide desert.
This image shows the characters and gives some clue as to their situation.